Medan State Polytechnic made a visit to PT. Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) AeroAsia to establish cooperation again regarding the opening of cooperation classes between PT. Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) AeroAsia with Polmed at PT. Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) AeroAsia, Wednesday (12/01/2022).
This visit was warmly welcomed by Pudjo Sarwoko, Human Resources Director of PT. GMF AeroAsia and its ranks.
Director of Polmed, Abdul Rahman Dalimunthe who was also accompanied by Deputy Director IV for Cooperation, Heru Pranoto, admitted that he was very enthusiastic to resume cooperation in the opening of collaboration classes between Polmed and PT. GMF AeroAsia. Unlike the previous year, this collaboration class is not official, but graduates will do internships at PT. GMF AeroAsia and obtained the Amto Basic License.