Institution Profile
As one of the public universities in North Sumatra, Medan State Polytechnic is currently a vocational education center that focuses on developing human resource capabilities and has a global vision to participate in increasing the gross enrollment rate in education in Indonesia.
With 16 existing study programs and campus facilities covering an area of 8.5 ha, Medan State Polytechnic prepares a competency-based curriculum that suits industry needs. Medan State Polytechnic also provides scholarships for underprivileged students and participates in developing an entrepreneurial spirit for students. Currently, Medan State Polytechnic educates more than 5.500 students and has graduated more than 20.000 alumni who have worked in various industrial sectors.
Medan State Polytechnic is also acticely involved in various applied research. In addition, Medan State Polytechnic lecturers also participate in various community service activities as a sense of social responsibility. In addition, in the context of network development, Medan State Polytechnic also carries out various collaborations with various regional and international parties.
Become a professional and superior vocational education institution
- Developing Education to produce professional vocational personnel
- Implementing research in the field of applied sciences for the development of science and technology
- Applying science and technology to promote entrepreneurship, improve the welfare of the Nation and state.
- Organizing higher education governance with efficient, effective, accountable and transparent principles
- Discipline and Excellence in Education services
Discipline and Excellence within Educational Services

Performance Agreement
Performance Report
In 1979, the University of North Sumatra was designated as one of 6 Universities/Institutes that received the Phase I Polytechnic Education development project from DIKTI, under the name of the Polytechnic of the University of North Sumatra (USU Polytechnic) Medan. The construction of the USU Polytechnic is financed by the World Bank (World Bank). Education in the field of engineering was built in the first phase, the implementation of which was assisted by experts from Switzerland who were stationed in Medan.
Furthermore, in phase II, education in the field of commerce was built, which was supported by the assistance of experts and facilities from Australia. The development of education in the field of commerce was started in 1986 and was assisted by an expert from Australia.
Construction of USU Polytechnic and other Polytechnics, is a government project through the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Directorate General of Higher Education implemented by the Polytechnic Education Development Center known as the PEDC (Polytechnic Education Development Center) in Bandung.
Through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 084/O/1997 concerning the Establishment of Medan State Polytechnic, then the USU Medan Polytechnic officially became an independent Polytechnic under the name Medan State Polytechnic (Polmed) whose contents have been updated with the Minister of National Education Decree No.: 130/O/2002 concerning the organization and work procedures of Medan State Polytechnic.